Discerning good from evil spirits

Here are four criteria for distinguishing divine from demonic spirits from Ludwig Lavater's demonology. I have altered the color of the third to draw attention to this test. In light of the strong Elizabethan reaction of the Anglican church against revenge, and the New Testament's unequivical position on vengeance, the spirit would have been judged evil by Shakespeare's original audience using this test.

By what tokens good spirits may be discerned from euill.

     Moreouer popishe writers teache vs to discerne good spiritis from euill by foure meanes. First thay say that if he be a good spirit, he will at the beginning, somewhat terrifie men, but againe soone reuiue and comfort them. So Gabriel with comfortable words did lifte vp the blessed virgin which before was sore troubled by his salutation. They also alleage other examples. Their second note is to discry them by their outward and visivle shape. For if they appeare vnder the forme of a Llyon, beare, dog, tode, serpent, catte, or blacke ghoste, it may easly be gathered that it is an euill spirit. And that on the othr side good spirits do appeare vnder the shape of a doue, a man, a lambe, or in the brightnesse, and clere light of the sunne.
      We must also consider whether the voice whiche we heare be sweete, lowly, sober, sorowfull, or otherwise terrible and full of reproche, so they terme it.
      Thirdly we must note, whether the spirit teache ought that doth varie from the doctrine of the apostles, and other doctoures approued by the Churches censure: or whether he vtter any thing that dothe dissent from the faith, good maners, ceremonies of the church, according to the canonicall rites or decrees of councels, & against the lawes of the holy Church of Rome.
      Fourthly we must take diligent heede whether in hys words, deeds, and gestures, he do shew forth any humilitie acknowledging or confessing of his sinnes & punishments, or whether we heare of him any groning, weeping, complaint, boasting, threatning, slaunder or blasphemie. For as the begger doth reherse his owne miserie, so likewyse doo good spirits that desire any helpe or deliuerance. Other signes they haue to trie the good angels from the bad: but these are the cheefe.   --Lavater, ii,ii, p.108-109.