Purgatory and Limbo

     Popish writers commenting on the 4. boke of the Mainster of Sentences, do appoint foure places to receyue soules, after they are departed from the bodies. Three of which places they say are perpetuall, & one which lasteth but for a tyme already limited.
      The first place or receptacle is Caelum Empireum, the firie heauen, so termed of his passing gret brightnesse and glorie, which they say is the seate ordeined for the blyssed sort: this place by an other name in Scripture is called Paradise. The second place is Hel vnder the earth, being the mansion of Deuils and Infidels, departing hence in deadly sinne, without repentance. The third place they tearme Limbus puerorum whiche is prouided as wel for the Children of the faythful as of the vnfaythfull: who (they say) shal continually abyde there without any sense of payne, being only depriued from the fruition of Gods presence. And therefore they say, that after their death, they ought not to buried in holy buriall. The fourth place is Purgatorie, whiche is prepared for them that departe hence without deadlly sin, or if they committed any such sinnes, dyd some penance for them, but yet made not full satisfaction for them or else went hence only stayned with venial sinne...
     Of this place, to wit, Purgatorie, Popish writers teach maruellous things. Some of them say, that Purgatorie is also vnder the earth as Hel is. Some say that Hell and Purgatorie are both one place, albeit the paines be diuers according to the deserts of soules. Furthermore they say, that vnder the earth there are more places of punishment in which the soules of the dead may be purged. For they say, that this or that soule hath ben seen in this or that mountaine, floude, or valley, where it hath committed the offense: & that these are particuler Purgatories, assigned vnto them for some special cause, before the day of Iudgement, after which time all maner of Purgatories, as well general as perticuler shal cease.
   --Lavater, II,ii, p.102-103.